Client Side VAST Tags
Although OpenRTB is the desired implementation method, it is possible to access MobileFuse demand using a client-side VAST tag. A video tag looks like the following. You should be sure to set up your ad server to replace the macros with relevant values.${BUNDLE}&ifa=${IFA}&ifv=${IFV}&lat=${LATITUDE}&lon=${LONGITUDE}&lltype=${LAT_LON_TYPE}&pos=${POSITION}&age=${AGE}&gender=${GENDER}&pchain=${PAY_ID}&us_privacy=${US_PRIVACY}&consent=${CONSENT}&gpp=${GPP_STRING_XXXXX}&gpp_sid=${GPP_SID}&dnt=${DNT}&ctx=${CONTENT_CONTEXT}&mimes=${MIME_TYPES}&minduration=${MIN_DURATION}&maxduration=${MAX_DURATION}&minbitrate=${MIN_BITRATE}&maxbitrate=${MAX_BITRATE}&protocols=${PROTOCOLS}&apis=${APIS}&pt=${PLACEMENT_TYPE}&pm=${PLAYBACK_METHOD}&sd=${START_DELAY}&cb=${CACHEBUSTER}&cat=${CAT}&contentrating=${CONTENT_RATING}&episode=${EPISODE}&genre=${GENRE}&language=${LANGUAGE}&len=${LEN}&livestream=${LIVESTREAM}&season=${SEASON}&series=${SERIES}&title=${TITLE}&contenturl=${CONTENT_URL}
All parameters should be URL encoded where necessary. If you are unable to provide a parameter, you should remove it from the tag. IP and User Agent macros are not needed as the information will be detected from the headers. Items marked with an asterisk are highly recommended to maximize earning potential.
Field | Required | Description |
id | Yes | MobileFuse-provided ID for this ad unit |
w | Yes, if not using size | Width in pixels |
h | Yes, if not using size | Height in pixels |
size | Yes, if not using w & h | Width in height in the form of wxh, eg. 320x50 |
bundle | Yes | On Android, this should be a bundle or package name (e.g., On iOS, it should be a numeric ID. |
ifa | No* | Identifier For Advertisers (aka IDFA) |
ifv | No* | Identifier For Vendors (aka IDFV) |
lat | No* | Latitude expressed as a float |
lon | No* | Longitude expressed as a float |
lltype | No* | Lat/Lon type, ie. how was lat/lon collected? 1 = GPS/Location Services 2 = IP Address 3 = User provided (eg. registration data) |
pos | No | Position of ad in the viewport 0 = Unknown 1 = Above Fold 3 = Below Fold 7 = Fullscreen |
schain | Yes, if not a direct publisher | The serialized form of the supply chain object. Only required if the publisher’s relationship with MobileFuse is not direct. |
pchain | string | Payment ID chain string containing embedded syntax described in the TAG Payment ID Protocol v1.0. |
instl | No | Whether this ad unit is within an interstitial or not 0 = No 1 = Yes |
gpid | Yes | GPID |
tid | Yes | Transaction ID |
age | No* | Age or year of birth of user (eg. 51, 24, 1988, 1957) |
gender | No* | Gender of user. Lowercase values will work as well M = Male F = Female O = Other |
dnt | No | Do not track (or limit ad tracking, since we treat both the same way) 0 = No 1 = Yes |
us_privacy | No | US privacy string, required jurisdictions where legally enforced |
consent | No | TCF2 consent string for Canadian users, gpp is recommended instead |
gpp | No | GPP string, required in jurisdictions where legally enforced |
gpp_sid | No | GPP section id. Comma separated for multiple sections |
coppa | No | Boolean to specify if the transaction is subject to COPPA or not 0 = No 1 = Yes |
title | No | Content title (e.g. Search Committee) |
series | No | Content series (e.g. The Office) |
genre | No | Genre that best describes the content |
len | No | Length of content in seconds |
ctx | No | Type of content (game, video, text, etc.). 1 = Video 2 = Game 3 = Music 4 = Application 5 = Text 6 = Other 7 = Unknown |
test | No | Indicator of test mode in which auctions are not billable 0 = Live 1 = Test |
mimes | No* | Comma separated list of the player’s supported mime types (eg. video/mp4) |
minduration | No | Minimum duration allowed in seconds |
maxduration | No | Maximum duration allowed in seconds |
minbitrate | No | Minimum bitrate allowed in Kbps |
maxbitrate | No | Maximum bitrate allowed in Kbps |
protocols | No* | Comma separated list of supported video protocol IDs 1 = VAST 1.0 2 = VAST 2.0 3 = VAST 3.0 4 = VAST 1.0 Wrapper 5 = VAST 2.0 Wrapper 6 = VAST 3.0 Wrapper 7 = VAST 4.0 8 = VAST 4.0 Wrapper 9 = DAAST 1.0 10 = DAAST 1.0 Wrapper |
apis | No* | Comma separated list of supported video API IDs 1 = VPAID 1.0 2 = VPAID 2.0 3 = MRAID-1 4 = ORMMA 5 = MRAID-2 6 = MRAID-3 7 = OMID-1 |
pm | No | Playback method that is used, if none is specified, any may be used: 1 = Initiates on Page Load with Sound On 2 = Initiates on Page Load with Sound Off by Default 3 = Initiates on Click with Sound On 4 = Initiates on Mouse-Over with Sound On 5 = Initiates on Entering Viewport with Sound On 6 = Initiates on Entering Viewport with Sound Off by Default |
sd | No | Indicates the start delay in seconds for pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll: Value > 0 = Mid-Roll (value indicates start delay in second) 0 = Pre-Roll -1 = Generic Mid-Roll -2 = Generic Post-Roll |
pt | No | Placement type for the impression: 1 = In-Stream 2 = In-Banner 3 = In-Article 4 = In-Feed 5 = Interstitial |
cb | No | Recommended to ensure requests are not cached by client |
cat | No | Content category |
contentrating | No | Content rating (e.g., MPAA) |
episode | No | Episode number |
genre | No | Genre that best describes the content (e.g., rock, pop, etc) |
language | No | Content language using ISO-639-1-alpha-2 (i.e., EN) |
len | No | Length of content in seconds; appropriate for video or audio |
livestream | No | 0 = not live 1 = content is live (e.g., stream, live blog) |
season | No | Content season (e.g., “Season 3”) |
series | No | Content series. Video Examples: “The Office” (television), “Star Wars” (movie), or “Arby ‘N’ The Chief” (made for web). Non-Video Example: “Ecocentric” (Time Magazine blog) |
title | No | Content title. Video Examples: “Search Committee” (television), “A New Hope” (movie), or “Endgame” (made for web). Non-Video Example: “Why an Antarctic Glacier Is Melting So Quickly” (Time magazine article) |
contenturl | No | URL of the content, for buy-side contextualization or review |
language | No | Language used by user's device |
Updated almost 2 years ago