
The MobileFuse SDK is supported as an official bidding network for AppLovin MAX.

Supported Formats

The MobileFuse SDK is supported as an official adapter for AppLovin MAX. The following MAX ad formats are supported:

Current Versions

PlatformVersionRelease Date
Android<<adapterVersionAppLovinAndroid>>July 3rd 2024
iOS<<adapterVersionAppLoviniOS>>July 3rd 2024
Unity<<adapterVersionAppLovinUnity>>July 8th 2024

Step 1. Include the adapter into your app

Including our adapter into your app is very simple - follow the guide for the platform that you support below:

Step 2. Configure MobileFuse in the MAX console

If you want to use waterfall placements, you'll need to still set up a custom adapter in the MAX console:

Step 3. Configure ad units

Step 4. Test your integration