Leveraging Unique IDs: RampID, UID2, and CoreID

Passing emails and phone numbers to MobileFuse will improve monetization while adhering to privacy standards. MobileFuse has partnered with LiveRamp and is utilizing the LiveRamp Authenticated Traffic Solution API to ensure the process is privacy-first and utilizes authenticated private information only.

For more information about LiveRamp’s Authenticated Traffic Solution visit here.

Supported integration methods include:

  • The MobileFuse SDK
  • Directly pass HEMs via oRTB to MobileFuse, see here
  • ATS Mobile SDK directly
  • If you are leveraging Nimbus, InMobi, or Pubmatic to connect to MobileFuse
    *Currently Pubmatic OpenWrap and TAM do not support passing envelopes.

For more on LiveRamp supported paths click here.

How to pass data

The method for passing user emails or phone numbers depends on the integration method you are using. We only accept LiveRamp envelopes if the user is not opted-out of tracking.

In order to partake, you will need to:

  • Sign a contract with LiveRamp. Your MobileFuse rep can make the introduction.
  • LiveRamp will need to approve your bundles and review your Privacy Policy.
  • Determine if you’ll use ATS directly or the MobileFuse SDK to generate envelopes.
  • In addition to RampID, LiveRamp can also enable the creation of CoreID & UID2 upon request which we recommend you do to maximize your traffic value.

For publishers utilizing the MobileFuse SDK

Passing phone numbers or emails

You can pass emails or phone numbers directly into the SDK. The SDK will never transmit these emails directly to MobileFuse or include them in the bid stream. When an email address or phone number is passed to the SDK, they will be hashed and passed to the LiveRamp ATS API in order to generate an encrypted and anonymized LiveRamp envelope. This is then passed in the bidstream when privacy flags allow tracking.

Use the following methods to pass an email or phone number to the SDK:

MobileFuseTargetingData.setEmail("[email protected]");
MobileFuseTargetingData.setPhoneNumber("+1 (555) 555-5555");
MobileFuseTargetingData.email = "[email protected]"
MobileFuseTargetingData.phoneNumber = "+1 (555) 555-5555"
[MobileFuseTargetingData setEmail: @"[email protected]"];
[MobileFuseTargetingData setPhoneNumber: @"+1 (555) 555-5555"];
MobileFuseTargetingData.setEmail("[email protected]")
MobileFuseTargetingData.setPhoneNumber("+1 (555) 555-5555")


Info: Phone numbers

LiveRamp ATS only accepts US phone numbers. The SDK will automatically sanitize the phone number by removing spaces, prefixes and brackets, so the format is flexible. All of the following will work:

  • "+1 (555) 555-1234"
  • "(555) 555-1234"
  • "5555551234"

Passing in a LiveRamp Envelope directly

If you already have a relationship with LiveRamp and you want to pass the envelope in directly, you can use the following method:

[MobileFuseTargetingData setLiveRampEnvelope: @"AqOjwcJnunA7be0m8wCMHPXgG1VpMNCLIKu07cQfxn..."];

Retrieving the generated LiveRamp Envelope

You can also retrieve the LiveRamp envelope using the following method. This may be useful for passing the LiveRamp envelope to other display managers:

String myLiveRampEnvelope = MobileFuseTargetingData.getLiveRampEnvelope();
val myLiveRampEnvelope: String? = MobileFuseTargetingData.getLiveRampEnvelope()
NSString *myLiveRampEnvelope = [MobileFuseTargetingData getLiveRampEnvelope];
let myLiveRampEnvelope = MobileFuseTargetingData.getLiveRampEnvelope()

Passing in a UID2 value directly

If you have a UID2 value you'd like to pass in directly, you can use the following method:

MobileFuseTargetingData.setExtendedUserId("uidapi.com", "d0b7a1b3b5a84d2f81259fbc5e8b6c6d");
MobileFuseTargetingData.setExtendedUserId("uidapi.com", "d0b7a1b3b5a84d2f81259fbc5e8b6c6d")
[MobileFuseTargetingData setExtendedUserId:@"d0b7a1b3b5a84d2f81259fbc5e8b6c6d" forPartner:@"uidapi.com"];
MobileFuseTargetingData.setExtendedUserId("d0b7a1b3b5a84d2f81259fbc5e8b6c6d", forPartner: "uidapi.com")

The same method can also be used to pass in your LiveRamp envelope or FabrickID:

MobileFuseTargetingData.setExtendedUserId("liveramp.com", "AqOjwcJnunA7be0m8wCMHPXgG1VpMNCLIKu07cQfxn...");
MobileFuseTargetingData.setExtendedUserId("neustar.biz", "e9a2d8c3f6b74c87a1b23de4c8d9f6a1"); // FabrickID
MobileFuseTargetingData.setExtendedUserId("liveramp.com", "AqOjwcJnunA7be0m8wCMHPXgG1VpMNCLIKu07cQfxn...")
MobileFuseTargetingData.setExtendedUserId("neustar.biz", "e9a2d8c3f6b74c87a1b23de4c8d9f6a1") // FabrickID
[MobileFuseTargetingData setExtendedUserId:@"AqOjwcJnunA7be0m8wCMHPXgG1VpMNCLIKu07cQfxn..." forPartner:@"liveramp.com"];
[MobileFuseTargetingData setExtendedUserId:@"e9a2d8c3f6b74c87a1b23de4c8d9f6a1" forPartner:@"neustar.biz"]; // FabrickID
MobileFuseTargetingData.setExtendedUserId("AqOjwcJnunA7be0m8wCMHPXgG1VpMNCLIKu07cQfxn...", forPartner: "liveramp.com")
MobileFuseTargetingData.setExtendedUserId("e9a2d8c3f6b74c87a1b23de4c8d9f6a1", forPartner: "neustar.biz") // FabrickID

Retrieving other extended IDs

You can use the following method to get the currently used value for a particular extended ID partner:

String myLiveRampEnvelope = MobileFuseTargetingData.getExtendedUserId("liveramp.com");
val myLiveRampEnvelope: String? = MobileFuseTargetingData.getExtendedUserId("liveramp.com")
NSString *myLiveRampEnvelope = [MobileFuseTargetingData getExtendedUserIdForPartner:@"liveramp.com"];
let myLiveRampEnvelope = MobileFuseTargetingData.getExtendedUserIdForPartner("liveramp.com");

For publishers integrated directly with MFX (via OpenRTB)

If you already have eids

When passing data to MFX, SSPs should provide LiveRamp envelopes or UID 2.0 tokens that they have already obtained with the user’s consent (through a process similar to the steps outlined above). These alternative IDs should be passed via the user.ext.eids array field. Note that only sources liveramp.com (RampID Envelope) and uidapi.com (UID 2.0 Token) are supported at this time. For example:

    "user": {
        "ext": {
            "eids": [{
                "source": "liveramp.com",
                "uids": [{
                    "id": "AvAPLiE-oU_cYmbXgyM0YCOXEnRg489A51pX2uvjoZx5f8V_1yzB_nkAQ5wICpnk2s_Iw1MvC0DL2sqkbzbtJSbEy9IWp5AYnJcL"
            }, {
                "source": "uidapi.com",
                "uids": [{
                    "id": "AgAAAAPHpn5cHG8VyP6CAuHh5AMemVXXXxMdVzjhmdRl0nt8cglqmMRWTmKap05HIeNpLvEaAERX2mLp0RVSJz0M48igDHx53dsrnaenCAG/VDTJcAkHFLIplzOFjYASu0wtXsJ3IBNAWjSABjs7xmEXq73B16HRZAeCCBBKGBdvhp0rww=="

If you have hashed emails and want MobileFuse to generate eids for you

If you have emails but aren't or don't want to integrate directly with LiveRamp or other providers to generate alternative IDs, you can pass hashed emails (HEMs) to MobileFuse.

Only hashed emails are supported and hash types are sha256, sha1, and md5. More is better and at least sha256 is highly recommended to maximize the match rate.

HEMs should be passed in $.user.ext.hems like the example below:

    "user": {
        "ext": {
            "hems": [
              	{"hem_type": "sha256", "hem": "fb98d44ad7501a959f3f4f4a3f004fe2d9e581ea6207e218c4b02c08a4d75adf"},
              	{"hem_type": "sha1", "hem": "1022b0c3a1d9a6409ae0dd2364fdcfe41f63ae22"},
              	{"hem_type": "md5", "hem": "357a20e8c56e69d6f9734d23ef9517e8"}