Including the Nimbus adapter for Android into your app
Include the Nimbus extension for MobileFuse in your build.gradle(.kts)
file. If the MobileFuse SDK is not already included in your application the extension will import it for you.
dependencies {
Initializing the MobileFuse extension
The MobileFuse extension is initialized automatically as part of the Nimbus SDK initialization and does not require any additional configuration.
Nimbus initialization and ad requests
If you are adding MobileFuse to an existing Nimbus integration, you shouldn't need to add any of the following code. If you are setting up a fresh Nimbus integration, here are some code samples. You can also use Nimbus' documentation as a reference.
Initialize Nimbus with your publisher key and API key
Nimbus.initialize(context, publisherKey, apiKey);
Request and render a banner Ad
Format format = Format.MREC; // Medium rectangle
Format format = Format.BANNER_320_50; // Standard banner
NimbusRequest request = NimbusRequest.forBannerAd(placement, format, Position.FOOTER);
// ...
new NimbusAdManager().showAd(request, adContainer, listener);
Request and render an interstitial ad
NimbusRequest request = NimbusRequest.forInterstitialAd(placement);
new NimbusAdManager().showBlockingAd(request, 10, activity, listener);
Request and render a rewarded ad
NimbusRequest request = NimbusRequest.forRewardedVideo(placement);
new NimbusAdManager().showRewardedAd(request, 10, activity, listener);
Testing the integration
MobileFuse Hybrid can be tested by enabling test mode in the Nimbus SDK.
Nimbus.testMode = true
Nimbus will always respond with a MobileFuse ad if the extension has been installed and placements have been configured in Nimbus. If you do not see a MobileFuse test ad, please contact your Nimbus account manager or MobileFuse account rep to verify MobileFuse has been set up for the ad sizes you are requesting.
Disabling MobileFuse test ads
Nimbus test ads can be re-enabled by removing MobileFuse from the request to Nimbus.
Removing the NimbusMobileFuseRequestInterceptor will prevent MobileFuse from serving on all ads; Ensure the interceptor is installed in the SDK before releasing to production!
Updated 2 months ago