Getting Started with MobileFuse
Step 1. Complete Your MobileFuse Contract
Complete the MobileFuse contract, which you can find here.
Step 2. Complete the Onboarding Questionnaire
Complete the questionnaire, which you can find here.
This provides MobileFuse with the necessary information to create your placement IDs, so be sure to be thorough.
Step 3. Receive Account Access and Placement IDs
After you complete steps 1 and 2, you will be introduced to your Account Manager who will create your placement IDs for you. Your Account Manager will provide you with the following information:
- A login to the reporting UI, which is in EST/EDT and delayed by 2-4 hours
- A full list of MobileFuse's app-ads.txt lines, which can also be found here. MobileFuse also provides you with your direct line ID
- Your app-ads.txt file must be live before you launch. When you are correctly serving this file from your developer website, inform your MobileFuse account team. See the IAB Supply Chain Validation page for more information on how to correctly deploy your app-ads.txt file.
- Your Publisher ID and full list of Placement IDs
Best Practices
A few key things to ensure a successful launch:
- You target United States and Canada only
- app-ads.txt is in place
- More inventory policies can be found here
Updated 5 months ago