MobileFuse SDK v1.8.1

Release Notes: MobileFuse SDK 1.8.1

SDK 1.8.1 is a patch release intended to improve stability for specific publisher-reported issues.

Sunsetting iOS Automatic Initialization

As part of our ongoing efforts to unify the functionality of our Android and iOS SDKs, we have removed automatic initialization from our iOS SDK as of SDK 1.8.1. This was a convenience feature designed to make it as easy as possible to integrate the MobileFuse SDK, but since adding it in SDK 1.6.0 the SDK feature set has grown and it is no longer viable to support this.

If you are integrating via a mediation adapter, no changes are required. If you integrate directly, please ensure you call the initialization functions detailed in Step 3 here (Android | iOS) to maximize revenue and fill.

Improvements and Fixes

SDK 1.8.1 includes the following improvements:

  • Further improvements to stability of Unity3D apps on Android
  • Fixes for publisher-specific reported issues